Do you own an original 12" copy of Blue Monday by New Order? Then you too can join the Blue Monday Owners’ Club.
There must be a fair few of us, because it was the biggest selling 12" single of all time.
But it has to be the version released in 1983, with the elaborate die-cut design which referenced the thin, flexible computer floppy disks originally invented by IBM. And the legend goes that it cost so much to manufacture that it wiped out any profit that the group made.
That Peter Saville, eh? Give him an inch and he'll specify a special fifth colour - no, he'll make it a metallic silver. Which he did on a second print run which left off the expensive die-cuts. Tony Wilson at Factory Records must of had a right laugh when he picked up the bill for that one. But what a designer.
Anyway, back to the Blue Monday Owners’ Club. It's put together by the artist Spencer Graham, whose latest project is to create a photo collage of the many owners of Blue Monday worldwide, all pictured proudly holding this amazing disc.
Simply get a snap of yourself taken and visit the site here