2. Pet Shop Boys - 'Yes'
Designed by Mark Farrow and Pet Shop Boys
Mark Farrow is one of my all-time favourites designers, so I may be biased but this design was a beaut.
Earlier this year Studio attended the D&AD President's Lecture by magazine editorial design legend David Hillman. When host Patrick Baglee asked David for an example of what is currently best in design, he chose this record sleeve and nothing from publishing. And why? Because it communicates a simple idea clearly and in a style which is entirely appropriate for the artist. And David likes ideas based design.

Plus, it gets round that challenge of how a record sleeve looks good when reduced to an icon in itunes.

Studio also recommends the re-issue of Spiritualized 'Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space'.
Again, a simple lateral concept which packages the CD as a sealed pill. Even the sleeve notes read like instructions accompanying medication - 'Do not operate machinery' - that kind of thing. Clever copywriting always improves a design 100%.

The rest of Farrow's work for Pet Shop Boys is superb too and a genuine masterclass in graphic design (sorry, I can't help myself).
Visit Mark Farrow here for more stuff. More on Spiritualized over there.
And so it's not all too minimal - here's the video to the single.
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