Last week Studio returned to the UEA London Study Centre, to begin work on our planned 2 day photo shoot. And with us, lensman Dave Guttridge (AKA DJ78).
This prestigious new campus for the UEA is located near Spitalfields Market in East London and just two minutes walk from Liverpool Street. It's a striking new build, which has to compete for attention alongside the Gherkin and Kings Reach Tower. More importantly, these plush new surroundings will be the home and centre of study for UEA's London based international students. The lucky lot.

Although only open for a couple of weeks, we were here to record campus life, the teaching facilities and get some external building shots in the bag too. Which was going to be a challenge given the arctic conditions of January. But we were lucky, as the first day though cold, had clear skies and the glow of a winter sun. Shooting the brochure front cover at dusk, the city sunset gave the accommodation building a wash of magenta - design by nature not by photoshop.

Day Two. The accommodation building is still in construction but we gained permission to visit the 34th floor to take shots of the stunning vista of the City which in the future will greet students everyday. See how lucky they are? Dressed in construction hats, boots and tastful fluorescent jerkins we gathered in the lift which swiftly climbed the building. And out on the balcony we got an eyeful of London - 'home of the brash, outrageous and free' (name that tune).

Here's a bit of film I took on my phone. Guy Ritchie will not lose any sleep.
UEA London Study Centre from Darren Leader Studio on Vimeo.
Happy that we had completed a successful shoot, Dave and I left to catch our train, only this time to cross paths with another keyboard legend (see previous post). The tall, grumpy figure of Rick Wakeman walked past (sadly without cape): this can only be a good sign for this project.
Studio can't wait to start designing the brochure.
With thanks to Dave Amor and Rowenna Boddington.
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