During a recent visit to Amsterdam, I spent most of my time taking snaps of their superb poster art.
And it got me thinking. Why isn't there more of this kind of thing in my own town of Norwich? Amsterdam has various dedicated poster sites, promoting many local events – each poster an absolute visual treat and complimentary to the local landscape. I love poster design; it's similar to the 12" canvas of the record sleeve and the ideal format for the designer to express themselves and spread the word of their client.
The only trouble is, once you've completed your fabulous poster there is no where to display it. I can understand Norwich Councils' dislike of fly-posting - but my reason is that many of them look awful. I like DIY design by talented amateurs, as long as it's good. The cut and paste designs (or anti-design) of Linder Sterling and Jamie Reid are good examples of design which doesn't have to be highly finished. So all you designers for clubs and live gigs, please up your game.
I would love for us to have poster sites like Amsterdam - but it would also be a result for the Council to run regular pitches or competitions which promote local events with effective and stimulating design. And judged by the local design community. These posters could be genuinely creative and not have to be slaves to brand culture. Just great design art which communicates the message.
Wouldn't it be cool to see someone from Amsterdam taking snaps of our posters?
Please see some great examples of dutch posters here.
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